Case Studies

solor logo

The spray paint revolution

Painting the future with renewable energy

A revolutionary concept for practical, cost-effective renewable energy, SolOr’s nano-paint technology turns common surfaces into independent solar energy harvesting systems. After being sprayed with SolOr’s nano-paint, everyday surface areas such as buildings, cars, parking lots, and even food carts can harness the same amount of solar energy as costly, bulky, solar panels.

With Road2’s help, from concept to development, SolOr received access to a beta site, resources, funding, strategic help, and guidance from the advisory board members of a leading Israeli paint and construction product company.





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Environment 4.0


Enhanced visual inspection data for enhanced infrastructure longevity

Rapida is an AI-infused cloud-based platform equipped with proprietary machine-learning and computer-vision algorithms. Rapida uses cutting-edge technology to measure, predict, and ensure the structural health of aging or newly-built infrastructure and utility assets.

Pools, reservoirs, dams, bridges, tunnels, terminals, and cooling towers all benefit from Rapida’s enhanced automation of workflows and intelligent integration of visual inspection data.

Road2 connected Rapid to its first clients which now include Mekorot, Israel Electric as well as other infrastructure companies.





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Next Generation visual vehicle documentation

Large volume vehicle tracking without human intervention

A single source of truth for a vehicle’s status at every point along the supply chain. From maritime ports to large transportation & logistic hubs, parking lots, dealerships, rental branches, and service centers, with Spinframe’s technology, companies can automate the monitoring of large volumes of vehicles – no humans required. 

SpinFrame Technologies is specifically focused on image annotation – visual data labeling often called tagging or transcribing. Road2 paired Spinframe with Point AI’s annotation services to help them develop their technology for identifying & documenting visual damage on vehicles, empowering Spinframe to work with a key supplier that shares their goals, and can help them to realize their vision. 





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Tanku logo

The only one-tap fueling app

TankU is revolutionizing outdoor retail with its cutting-edge fueling app that provides fast, secure, and cost-effective mobile payment solutions.
TankU offers three services: TUFuel, TUFleet, and TU Analyze, all designed to optimize operations, improve user experience, increase customer acquisition, and build loyalty.
TUFuel, is a vision-based mobile payment solution that replaces existing authorization processes with cutting-edge technology. With just one tap, drivers can easily and quickly pay for their fuel, eliminating the need for payment terminals and reducing staff requirements.
TUFleet provides mobile payment services that meet the high-security level required by fleets, with advanced reporting and fraud elimination features.
TUAnalyze is a state-of-the-art data mining and AI technology that creates tailor-made reports to maximize resources and increase profitability, helping businesses identify trends, patterns, and other important insights in their data for more informed decisions, optimized their operations, and improved bottom line.
Thanks to Road2, TankU was able to develop the necessary technology for its software, utilizing Road2’s NVIDIA DGX A100 supercomputer and skilled engineers. Additionally, Road2 helped TankU access its network of investors, setting them up for success and providing the resources they needed to innovate and grow





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Software that Directly Hands Medical Data for more Efficiently Treatment

Droxi, an AI-powered solution, addresses the challenges faced by primary care physicians laden with non-patient-facing tasks. Spending up to 3 hours daily on these tasks, physicians often suffer from burnout. Droxi’s Al tool reduces this workload by a third while enhancing care quality. By identifying and presenting relevant clinical information, Droxi streamlines task completion. Advantages include reduced physician burnout, seamless integration into existing workflows, and improved efficiency. Droxi’s unique Al mechanism utilizes supervised learning from Electronic Medical Records, empowered by the knowledge of medical professionals.

Road 2 improved Droxi’s processes via its AI Supercomputer Lab and engineers, provided business development services in the US, and introduced Droxi to paying customer pilots both in Israel and abroad.





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AI & Digital Health

IoT-Powered Green, Cost-Effective Water Heating Management Solution

Sowillo offers cost-effective water heating management solutions driven by IoT devices, AI, and heat recuperation technology. The company’s systems are environmentally friendly, primarily utilize solar energy, and meet stringent government pollution-free heating requirements.
By implementing Sowillo, businesses can reduce water heating expenses by up to 40%. Additionally, the system provides proactive alerts for potential failures, enabling efficient mitigation scenarios and reduced maintenance costs.
Sowillo participated in Road2’s Environment 4.0 program, received business development support, and was put in touch with several desirable pilot opportunities. Road2 also helped Sowillo to win a grant from the Ministry of Energy.





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Environment 4.0

Optimizing Livestock Performance

SALUS is a platform designed for poultry farming, offering early detection and prediction of growth problems and diseases. It provides farmers with valuable data for informed decisions to boost profitability. Key features and benefits include data monitoring, optimization recommendations, early disease detection, cost-effectiveness analysis, systematic operational flow, and competitive landscape insights. SALUS enhances animal health, productivity, and sustainability, making it a valuable tool for poultry farmers.
Road2 enabled Salus to participate in its Environment 4.0 program, provided ongoing business development and support in addition to facilitating a grant of NIS 2 million from its R&D fund.





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Environment 4.0